Cody Jinks
I’ve been doing this a long time. My dad showed me a few chords on this Takamine acoustic when I was 15 and I got a Fender Squire Stratocaster for my 16th birthday. Even though the first song I learned was “Long Black Veil” by Lefty Frizell, I wanted to do what every 16 year old wanted to do: I WANTED TO ROCK! So, I worked and saved money, and with some help from Mom and Dad, I got a Marshall half-stack. If I wasn’t at school, playing ball, or working, I was in my room playing guitar. I’ve never been a great guitar player, but what I lack in ability, I make up for with passion. When I was 17, me and some buddies started our first garage band and went through several names and lineup changes. That band became Unchecked Aggression: the first band that actually made a real record. Other incarnations had made demos going back to high school, but I was 21 when our first record came out (technically, our only...
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